The Week Suffering Is Redeemed

It is time. Take up your sufferings like weapons of war, for this week, they become the means by which the battle is won.

It is only in the Catholic Church that those who suffer find their wounds turned into rubies in the crown of God. But this week, that crown is of thorns upon Christ’s blessed head.

So offer up every pain, every ache, every heartbreak. Unite it to Christ’s so it can serve the Church.

We who are suffering can literally participate in Christ’s Passion. The Catechism explains that this great gift -the level to which our participation can be unified to Christ’s -is the special privilege of the injured, the hurting, the ones with painful crosses on their shoulders every day.

If your steps hurt, remember Christ’s belabored way to Golgotha. When your head splits and it burns your eyes simply to open them, remember the blood and sweat pouring from His precious head, obscuring His vision. When your back aches, remember the weight of the cross upon His scabbing shoulders. And when your heart breaks, remember His as He looked upon the world He created from the heights of the wood they fixed Him to, their beloved Creator, Love Personified and slain.

And then, when you can’t go on anymore, look to Mary. Recall her as she is depicted in Mel Gibson’s The Passion, standing so strong beside her Son, staring down the Devil with Him, at His feet, and with Him to the end. In her, He drew His strength. For her, He carried that heavy cross. And in her arms He was again placed at last.

This week, the suffering have such a special place. So take heart, and prepare to walk to Calvary with Him.

Published by Abigail C. R. Gripshover

Abigail C. R. Gripshover is a Catholic writer and speaker, passionate about the power of God’s love. She has been a voice for the Church online for over 10 years, encouraging her fellow Catholics to embrace the teachings of the Faith in every area of life. In the summer of 2022, she started a new journey of radical healing through radical trust in God. She is feeling called to share her story of chronic illness and God’s healing grace. She holds a B.A. in English Lit from Christendom College and works from home as a freelance copywriter and digital strategist. She and her husband, Bobby, also offer product photography services and love working with Catholic companies. You can connect with Abigail on LinkedIn to learn more about these services and find her business email address.

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